The Q3000 Quality Standard
The Q3000 is the entry level risk and practice management standard for solicitors’ firms. It is most suitable for firms of 2 – 10 solicitors or for sole practitioners with previous accreditation or with risk management procedures in place.
The Q3000 Standard provides assurance to clients that their firm complies with best practice standards. Firms with the Q3000 accreditation have been independently audited and rank among the highest quality law firms in Ireland.

Areas Covered
TheQ3000 has the following modules:
Client Management
File Management
Regulatory and Claims Management
IT Security & GDPR
The following risk management areas are contained in these modules:
Critical Dates
File Review procedures
Complaints procedures
File Opening procedures
File Maintenance procedures
Conflict checking procedures
Anti-money laundering procedures
Engagement procedures
Terms and conditions of business
S.150 compliance
Financial procedures
File Closing procedures
Wills and Deeds Registers
Claims and Regulatory history register