The Q9000 Quality Standard

The Q9000 is suitable for elite law firms who have an exceptional risk and quality procedures in place and who have achieved high scores in the Q6000 Standard.
Firms with the Q9000 accreditation have been independently audited and rank among the highest quality law firms in Ireland. These firms observe the highest standards in client and file management, regulatory compliance and claim management and have advanced procedures in the areas of practice management, systems management, and financial management. They also demonstrate leadership in the development and implementation of innovative and strategic legal services.

Areas Covered

The Q9000 incorporates the modules in the Q6000 standard
Client Management
File Management
Regulatory and Claims Management
IT Security & GDPR
Practice Management
Systems Management
Financial Management.
…and adds three further modules
Advanced Financial Management
Strategic and Innovation Management
Advanced IT, Information and Knowledge Management
Advanced Financial Management
Time records
Policies regarding drawings, review of fee income, time recording, WIP, debtors and outlay
Structured credit control procedures and review of WIP balances
Annual review of overheads and supplier contracts
New clients and all new matters financially assessed for profitability and collectability prior to taking instructions
Annual departmental profitability analysis
Annual review of firms funding requirements
Strategic and Innovation Management
Business Development Plan
Marketing Plan
Quality Control Strategy and Quality Control Procedures
Website policy
Social Media Management Policy
Advanced IT, Information and Knowledge Management
Technology Strategy
Standardisation Strategy
Precedent Bank Management
Knowledge Management
Information Security and Remote Access Policies

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